Transparent and Network
No place for false reporting and ad fraud We created the AdSx protocol as an Close-source, transparent and fraud-proof alternative to traditional ad networks. By introducing real-time tracking and reporting directly accessible to each advertiser and publisher, and dropping the need for most intermediaries, we reduced the ability for anyone on the network to report wrong data and make advantage of unnecessary fees and fake traffic.
Pay For Real Traffic Only.
No one wants to pay for fake traffic, yet the ad industry is losing billions annually. AdSx is a display ad network that fights ad fraud by introducing real time reporting and tools for limiting low quality traffic, and lowers ad costs by removing middlemen.
Instant Revenue For Your Ad Space Make more of your traffic!
The AdSx platform won’t charge you for listing your ad slots or managing your inventory. Just register and start earning after the very first impression generated on your website or mobile app! Start.
Our Mission & Vision
Our Vision Is To Become A Global Leader In Innovative
Advertising, Empowering Brands To Connect Authentically
With Their Audiences.
Our Mission Is To Deliver Innovative, Results-driven Advertising
Solutions That Amplify Brand Stories And Foster Meaningful
Connections. Through Creativity, Strategic Insights, And Cutting-edge
Technology, We Strive To Empower Our Clients To Achieve Their Goals,
Build Lasting Relationships With Their Audiences, And Thrive In An Ever
evolving Marketplace.